7 EPIC Aussie Outback Experiences

Hansjoerg Morandell

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[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he Australian Working Holiday Visa is something that any gap year student should consider weaving into their RTW itinerary.

Promising the opportunity to sample life Down Under and explore one of the world’s most biologically diverse countries, you’ll soon find out that 12 months in Australia will leave you craving 12 more. However is spending your time sunning yourself in Sydney, or hitting the beaches of the west coast’s capital Perth, really what a visit to Australia is all about?

From a one on one swim with a crocodile to perfecting Outback campfire fare, here is our guide to 7 EPIC Aussie Outback experiences guaranteed to give you enough quirky travel tales to last a lifetime.


Part of the Western Queensland Camel Festival, the Bedourie Camel Races are a sight to behold.

Witness the marvel of the outback’s majestic camels and their brave riders racing through the dust. Then sample some local bush tucker from the bush chefs who make use of the Bedourie Camp Oven in a unique cook-off to rival all others.



One of Australia’s most iconic landmarks Uluru has to be firmly at the top of your itinerary.

Although the drive is long and the road is repetitive, the sight of Ayres Rock radiating an orange glow in the early morning light will make it all worthwhile.


Australia’s Northern Territory attracts only the most adventurous of travellers.

Hot and humid the region boasts a wide range of spectacular landscapes, but other than a few road tripping tales you’ll not find too much to brag about on your return home. That is unless you call in to Crocosaurus Cove and get up close and personal with a crocodile.


The Daly Waters Pub by GondwanaGirl

There’s nothing as Aussie as an Outback watering hole.

Chewing the cud with the colourful characters who’ve shunned the big city lights in favour of the simple life will give you an insight into the real Australia.

Notable establishments across the country include The Pub With No Beer – NSW, Pub in the Paddock – TAS, and The Daly Waters Pub, NT. Pack up your car and head out back to get a real taste of the country’s golden nectar.


The Milky Way by Benjamin Jones

A vast stretch of tarmac – 1100km to be precise – the Nullarbor Plain is one of the most remote stretches of highway in the country. Connecting the states of South Australia and Western Australia, there’s little other than bulldust, wombats and camels to be found along the hard shoulder of this epic route.

Known as one the quintessential Aussie experiences, traversing the Nullarbor will provide some truly memorable moments. The most humbling of which will be the sight of the Milky Way because thanks to the lack of light pollution, the heavens come alive at night blanketing the world in shinning silver stars.


Outback Campfire by Martin Cathrae

Everyone has heard the phrase “Throw another shrimp on the Barbie Sheila,” but if you ask your average Aussie they’ll tell you that meat is the main feature on their BBQ.

Jaffles however are a family favourite, cooked up around the campfire and dripping with melted cheese they are as Aussie as the Outback. Grab yourself a jaffle iron from any good camping store and get your jaffle on.


Situated almost 350km from Queensland’s diving capital Cairns, Osprey Reef is a haven for thrill seeking scuba divers keen to get up close with the ocean’s most feared predators.

Rising some 2000m from the sea bed Osprey is home to a diverse range of marine life large and small, the most notable of which are the finned creatures we all love to hate. For the brave among you there’s the opportunity to dive with sharks without the security of a metal cage.

Diving in the deep blue with sharks. Now there’s an epic Aussie experience.

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Have you had an EPIC Aussie Experience? Share your story with us in the comments below!

Travel Blogger & Photographer
  1. Hi Benjamin,

    That cage of death is epic! Stunned they allow it. I did something similar in Thailand with tigers but they’re a different animal. Still wild, and still took my life in my own hands yet I’d be freaked out being in the tank with these crocs. More primal, or primitive, and I gather they’re not quite as predictable as big cats that have been raised around folks from when they were little kitties.

    Either way what a fab post! So much to do Down Under. We’re heading over to Sydney for a day – here in Fiji now – but then off to Bali for a month. In the future we’ll need to work one epic trip above into our trip. Not sure about da crocs, might be a bit much….but we’ll enjoy doing something in the Wilds of the Outback. What a fun post and amazing recount of a stunning place.

    Thanks! Tweeting from Savusavu.


    1. Thanks for your comment Ryan! Sounds like you’re having some awesome adventures of your own! Australia is an incredible country packed full of unique experiences, we spent 12 months exploring in a campervan and would love to head back and explore for 12 more. Maybe one day we’ll catch you both out on the Nullarbor Plain?!!

  2. Thanks Ron! I hope you make it out there one day. Shark diving at the remote Osprey Reef was one of the most EPIC things we did in Australia. Being so close to such giant predators was such an adrenaline rush. I’d highly recommend the trip if you’re a confident diver.

  3. I would love to visit Australia! All of these adventures look like so much fun–especially sleeping under the stars on the nullarbor–AMAZING photo of the night sky!!

    1. I have to say, our 12 months in Australia were some of the most enjoyable of our travels to date. There are surprises hidden around every corner, deserts, mountains, lakes and rainforest. You must head Down Under one day, it really is EPIC!

  4. Sign me up for all of the above please! I’ve had my eye on that croc tank since I first read about it a couple years ago. It looks so scary but I feel like I would HAVE to do it!

  5. I want to do every single one! Well I might hesitate on the crocodile one, that one in the photo looks HUGE! Australia is my top dream destination and I can’t wait until the day I can finally go! It all looks amazing.

  6. Oh! Australia! How many of your experiences I want to take! I kind of want to apply for a working holiday visa and work in an outback town’s pub for a few months- on the theory that if I’m working in the outback there won’t be a whole lot to spent my money on 😉

    1. While road tripping through more remote parts of South and Western Australia, even in the Northern Territory too, we came across backpackers who were working in road houses for between 3 and 6 months. When you say there is nowhere to spend money you’re not wrong. It looked like the perfect way to save a hefty travel fund prior to exploring the country. Definitely worth looking into if you want to visit but don’t have a lot saved.

    1. Thanks Savi! I managed to get some great shots of the Milky Way while camping out on the Nullarbor Plain. I wish I’d spent more time trying to capture the celestial landscape out there. It was truly spectacular.

  7. I’d love to have an epic Australian vacation someday! It is such a far flight for me from Canada, but I will make it out there someday 🙂

    1. We thought the same thing, being from the UK Australia is literally on the other side of the world. But Lauren, I have to tell you the lengthy flight time is worth it! Our 12 month road trip was one of the highlights of our travels to date.

  8. This is an amazing list – and totally agree, the working holiday visa is a great way to experience Australia for a longer period of time. I’m from Aus but still have to complete many of these activities – can’t wait to get home and start ticking them off!

    1. I think most people make it out the other side after the experience is over! What a great way to see one of our earth’s most feared predators. I think I’d give it a go!

  9. What a great assortment of experiences in the Australian Outback!! But I have to admit that I am completely sold on having a pint in a pub in the heart of the Outback and just relaxing while everyone else gets on with their adventures of swimming with sharks!

  10. I live in Toowoomba area which is in the Southern Queensland but haven’t had chance to visit the places you shared. Thanks for the inspiration. I will put it on my next destination list. 🙂

  11. Great post! Recently spent some time in the Outback for the first time while exploring WA – now back travelling in SE Asia and longing for some more red dirt, blue skies and incredible experiences.

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