The Results Of Travel Photo Roulette #55

We’d like to thank everyone who took part in this round of Travel Photo Roulette. Your entries have provided a spectacular view of the natural world.  From Southern China to the Galapgos Islands the entries represent all four corners of our spectacular earth. The standard of photography is very high and we’ve found it incredibly tough to choose our winner.

We’re going to start by highlighting a few of our favourites…


This image of Igazu Falls by Ellen from La Viajera deserves a special mention for it’s use of colour and perspective to highlight one of the key elements of the natural world.

Water is responsible for shaping our earth and is vital for life to thrive. As soon as we saw this entry we were blown away by its beauty and knew it would be a strong contender for the title.


This image of ladybirds amongst the rock on Mt Etna in Sicily by Sam & Sarah from Food Travel Bliss receives a special mention for its use of contrast and colour to illustrate the natural world.

This macro shot has a shallow depth of field which draws your eye to the vivid red subjects. A superb example of how the natural world adapts and evolves to support life in the most unexpected of locations.


This image of a Blue Heron by Jason from Travel Junkies receives a special mention for its exceptional composition and balance of colour.

The symmetrical reflection of both the reeds and the bird in the water give an extra dimension to the shot and the ripples reflected from the water light the scene perfectly. We knew this entry would be tough competition to beat and it remains one of our favourites.


This image of Gentoo Penguins on Ardley Island in Antarctica by Bret & Mary from Green Global Travel receives a special mention for capturing such an intimate moment in the natural world.

The soft background bokeh brings the focus to the mother’s feet and the expressions on the faces of the little chicks. An exceptional shot and one that caught our eye early on.


This image of a green turtle by Beth & Gaz from Enjoy The Journey receives a special mention for capturing clarity of colour and tone underwater.

The detail on the turtle and the background hue of the light from the surface combine to make this a simple but effective shot. Hats off to the lightening quick reactions of the photographer.


This image of a sealion in Monatray California by Dani & Jess from GlobetrotterGirls is our favourite portrait shot.

The depth of field really makes the sealion pop out of the picture and he looks to be proudly posing which has enabled the girls to capture him in great detail.


This image of Nevada Falls in Yosemite National Park by Greg from Adventures of a GoodMan is our favourite landscape shot. We’d like to think it is the only shot in the world depicting the falls through a perfectly formed cloud window.

It’s celestial perspective of the natural world heightens the feeling of awe evoked by looking down on such a powerful natural element. This shot was our first entry and set an incredibly high standard for others to follow.


While there are so many worthy winners we are going to crown the Blue Heron by Jason from Travel Junkies the winner of round #55 of Travel Photo Roulette.

It was a close call but we feel everything about this composition perfectly illustrates the brilliance of mother nature and the beauty of the natural world.

Again thank you to everyone who entered and made this such a brilliant round. Be sure to join the Travel Junkies for round #56 of Travel Photo Roulette, they will be announcing the theme of the next round via their Facebook and Twitter soon.

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